Learning to Color

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I read somewhere that babies should be able to start learning how to color, on a very elementary level, somewhere around Lydia's age. I've also been dying to use all the neat Crayola stuff I got for free with my coupons, as well as the different coloring books I've amassed from different companies(There are some really weird ones, but I figure Lydia won't care for a while).

When we started showing her, for some reason, she was completely insulted by the idea of us coloring. It doesn't show very well in the movie, but she would get mad at me any time I tried to color. As soon as I'd stop, she'd be fine. This movie takes place a little after it, and as I'm behind the camera, it doesn't really show up.


Juanita said...

She's a smart little cookie. I love the way she used the one crayon to move the other one to where she could reach it! And her feet are in constant motion.

Give her a little time and she'll have it figured out.