Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Eleanor Faith Severson was born at 12:58 pm today. She measures 21 inches long and weighs 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Mother and baby are doing just fine, so I don't really have much to report. Here's some photos!
Eleanor Faith Severson was born at 12:58 pm today. She measures 21 inches long and weighs 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Mother and baby are doing just fine, so I don't really have much to report. Here's some photos!
Posted by Tyler at 2:37 PM 9 comments
**Note: Sorry for the influx of RSS articles. We temporarily un-privatized our blog and the result has been about 30 posts or so in people's readers. Sorry about that.**
Meagan went to the hospital today for a standard non-stress test, just to make sure the baby is doing all right. The baby passed all the tests with no problems, but upon taking an ultrasound, the doctor found that Meagan's placenta had started to calcify and her amniotic level (which is supposed to be over 10) is at 3.
That's no good.
The baby's strong reactions to the tests indicate there's no harm to her yet, but the doctor says that if we wait much longer, things aren't going to be good. As such, we've scheduled a c-section for tomorrow, September 14, at 12:00.
We're a bit bummed as Meagan has been trying really hard to avoid another c-section, but there simply isn't a choice on this one. If conditions get any worse, the baby will be getting less oxygen and nutrients and damages will occur. A natural birth simply wasn't in the cards. Still, there's a sense of relief that comes with this. No more waiting! We know when it's all going down.
Also, several people have asked if I'll be doing a blog detailing this baby's birth. The answer now, I guess, is probably not. With any luck, there won't be much of a story to relate. We're going to the hospital tomorrow at ten for a pretty routine procedure. The last thing we want is a story. As such, I guess you can just check back tomorrow afternoon for pictures.
Thanks to the family and friends who have been supportive up to this point. We appreciate your continued prayers. I'll post any news as it comes, but we'll mostly just look forward to showing off our new baby tomorrow afternoon.
Posted by Tyler at 1:10 PM 4 comments
Well, my due date was two days ago and still no baby. I thought for sure she'd come early, but I guess I was wrong. The doctor told me at my last appointment that he thinks I'll go at least a week late, which was oddly comforting. Now I'm not worrying about every contraction and wondering if "this is it". I'm just assuming it's not "it" unless I have some powerful evidence to the contrary.
In the meantime, I've just been hanging around the house doing a whole lot of nothing. Mostly I've just been trying to keep up with the cleaning and laundry so that I'm not behind when this baby decides to make an appearance. The laundry in particular became tricky this weekend because one our our hoses decided to spring a leak and cause the water to leak through our ceiling. (Our washer and dryer are in the attic, which is weird, but whatever.)
Lydia and I have read together a lot this week. Her favorite books at the moment are Olivia, Madeline, and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. She loves to "read" them to herself, and loves to have them read to her as well. Her other favorite activities include playing with her hotwheel cars, playing with her dinosaurs, and playing with her magnetic letters. She also loves to watch Leap Frog Letter Factory, Winnie the Pooh, and Little Einsteins. I only let her watch one show a day, but that doesn't stop her from asking over and over again.
Tyler's been really busy with school. He has a test on Friday, and in anticipation of this baby being born, he studied all day every day over his three day weekend, just in case. He did really really well on his first test, and we're hoping for a repeat. He's working really hard and I'm very proud of him.
And that's about our lives. We continue on in pretty much the same fashion. Tyler studies, I'm waiting to have a baby, and Lydia reads aloud to herself. Hopefully, this new baby will shake things up a bit here.
Posted by Meagan at 11:24 AM 3 comments